Venango County Human Services: Shared Ride/ PwD
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Please make sure to contact Venango County Human Services: Shared Ride/ PwD to confirm details of their transportation services.

Provides rides for any purpose, as long as you meet one of the following criteria: you are 65+ years old, or you have a disability.

The Shared Ride/ PwD program provides transportation services for individuals based on the number of miles traveled. The fare varies depending on the distance, with options for rides ranging from 0 to 2 miles all the way to 25+ miles. Older adults who are 65 and above receive discounted fares compared to the standard rates. This program offers paratransit services, utilizing buses or trains for transportation. Riders are required to schedule their rides in advance, typically a few days beforehand, to ensure availability. Payment options include checks, pre-payment, and cash, offering flexibility for older adults. One of the highlights of this program is the option for shared rides, allowing passengers to travel together and reduce costs. Additionally, the Shared Ride/ PwD program provides an extra level of assistance by offering drivers who are willing to wait for passengers if they need to run an errand or attend an appointment. This feature can be particularly helpful for older adults who may require additional time or assistance during their trips.

Service Area

Varies according to daily schedule. Generally limited to Venango County only, with some exceptions to neighboring Counties for medical trips Transportation to Creekside and Scrubgrass Senior Centers is provided at no charge

Days of operation

Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thursday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Contact Venango County Human Services: Shared Ride/ PwD

1 Dale Avenue
Franklin, PA 16323
(814) 432-9711

Vea los programas de beneficios clave para los que puede calificar

BenefitsCheckup ayuda a evaluar si puedes obtener ayuda de los programas antes de presentar la solicitud. Responde a las preguntas de forma anónima para saber si puedes recibir las principales prestaciones de asistencia, como el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP), los Programas de Ahorros de Medicare, Medicaid, el subsidio por bajos ingresos (LIS) de la Parte D de Medicare, ¿Ayuda Adicional?, entre otros.

MHP Salud ofrece una herramienta de manejo de enfermedades crónicas que se puede usar para rastrear el manejo de una(s) condición(es) crónica(s).