Capital Area Transit CAT: Public Transit
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Please make sure to contact Capital Area Transit CAT: Public Transit to confirm details of their transportation services.

Provides rides for any purpose, to all people, and no membership is required.

The Public Transit program offers convenient and affordable transportation options for older adults through buses and trains that operate on fixed routes. This program is designed to assist individuals in accessing essential services, running errands, visiting family and friends, or simply exploring the community. As part of the program, older adults can enjoy free transportation within specified zones, making it a cost-effective way to travel. For those with disabilities, discounted fares are available, ensuring accessibility for all participants. Payment options are flexible, including cash, checks, and pre-payment methods, catering to individual preferences. One of the key features of the Public Transit program is its adherence to a fixed schedule, providing older adults with predictability and reliability in their transportation arrangements. By utilizing this program, older adults can maintain their independence, stay connected with their surroundings, and enhance their overall quality of life.

Service Area

Adams County, Columbia, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Franklin County, Gettysburg, Harrisburg, York County.

Days of operation

Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thursday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Contact Capital Area Transit CAT: Public Transit

901 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 238-8304

Vea los programas de beneficios clave para los que puede calificar

BenefitsCheckup ayuda a evaluar si puedes obtener ayuda de los programas antes de presentar la solicitud. Responde a las preguntas de forma anónima para saber si puedes recibir las principales prestaciones de asistencia, como el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP), los Programas de Ahorros de Medicare, Medicaid, el subsidio por bajos ingresos (LIS) de la Parte D de Medicare, ¿Ayuda Adicional?, entre otros.

MHP Salud ofrece una herramienta de manejo de enfermedades crónicas que se puede usar para rastrear el manejo de una(s) condición(es) crónica(s).