Lebanon VA Medical Center: Milton DAV Van
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Please make sure to contact Lebanon VA Medical Center: Milton DAV Van to confirm details of their transportation services.

Provides rides for only the following purposes: medical appointments. Also, you must meet at least one of these criteria: you are a veteran. No membership is required.

The Milton DAV Van program offers older adults a convenient and cost-free transportation service. This program utilizes vans to provide private rides, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience for riders. To access this service, older adults are required to schedule their rides in advance, typically a few days beforehand. One of the key features of the Milton DAV Van program is its door-to-door transportation service, which means that older adults can be picked up and dropped off directly from their desired locations. This can be especially beneficial for older adults who may have mobility challenges or require assistance getting to their destinations. Overall, the Milton DAV Van program aims to offer older adults a reliable and accessible transportation option, helping them maintain their independence and stay connected to the community. By providing a free and convenient way to get around, this program plays a valuable role in supporting the mobility needs of older adults in the area.

Service Area

Northumberland County

Contact Lebanon VA Medical Center: Milton DAV Van

1700 South Lincoln Avenue
Lebanon,, PA 17042
(717) 272-6621,will%20transport%20to%20Lebanon%20VAMC.&text=only).-,Rabbit%20Transit%3A%201-800-632-9063%2

Vea los programas de beneficios clave para los que puede calificar

BenefitsCheckup ayuda a evaluar si puedes obtener ayuda de los programas antes de presentar la solicitud. Responde a las preguntas de forma anónima para saber si puedes recibir las principales prestaciones de asistencia, como el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP), los Programas de Ahorros de Medicare, Medicaid, el subsidio por bajos ingresos (LIS) de la Parte D de Medicare, ¿Ayuda Adicional?, entre otros.

MHP Salud ofrece una herramienta de manejo de enfermedades crónicas que se puede usar para rastrear el manejo de una(s) condición(es) crónica(s).