Ashland County Aging Unit: Ashland County Specialized Transit
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Please make sure to contact Ashland County Aging Unit: Ashland County Specialized Transit to confirm details of their transportation services.

Provides rides for any purpose, as long as you meet one of the following criteria: you are 60+ years old, or you have a disability.

Ashland County Specialized Transit offers convenient transportation services for older adults in the area. For a cost of $1.00 one-way, older adults can schedule shared van rides for door-to-door transportation. Payment can be made by either cash or check, providing flexibility for riders. To secure a ride, it is recommended to schedule in advance, allowing for proper planning and coordination. This program ensures reliable and safe transportation for older adults to help them maintain their independence and access essential services within the community.

Service Area

Ashland County

Days of operation

Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thursday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Contact Ashland County Aging Unit: Ashland County Specialized Transit

400 Chappel Ave
Ashland, WI 54806
(715) 682-4414

Vea los programas de beneficios clave para los que puede calificar

BenefitsCheckup ayuda a evaluar si puedes obtener ayuda de los programas antes de presentar la solicitud. Responde a las preguntas de forma anónima para saber si puedes recibir las principales prestaciones de asistencia, como el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP), los Programas de Ahorros de Medicare, Medicaid, el subsidio por bajos ingresos (LIS) de la Parte D de Medicare, ¿Ayuda Adicional?, entre otros.

MHP Salud ofrece una herramienta de manejo de enfermedades crónicas que se puede usar para rastrear el manejo de una(s) condición(es) crónica(s).